You are married to a Danish citizen

You can apply for equal status with Danish citizens if you are married to a Danish citizen

If you wish to apply for equal status with Danish citizens according to this rule, the fact that you immediately before applying for SU have lived in Denmark for a minimum of two consecutive years and are married to a Danish citizen for at least two years must be registered. You must still be married at the time you apply for SU.

This is what we do

When we investigate whether you have resided continuously in Denmark and whether you are married to a Danish citizen, we use the information contained in the national register about you and your spouse.
We look in the national register to see when you entered Denmark and the information that is registered concerning marriage to a Danish citizen.
If you think that the information in the national register is inadequate or incorrect, you must approach the national register in the municipality you live in.

Equal status can be discontinued

If you apply for SU for a new study programme and previously have been granted equal status with Danish citizens according to the Danish rules, you do not have to apply for equal status again.

However, please note that you must apply for equal status again if you have lived outside of Denmark for a continuous period of more than two years, as your equal status is no longer valid after this period.

Facts - danish rules

If you have been granted equal status according to Danish rules, you cannot receive SU for a whole study programme abroad