GB: Foreign citizen

As a foreign citizen, you must fulfil specific conditions in order to be granted equal status with Danish citizens and receive state educational grant (SU).

Equal status according to several rules

There are two sets of rules according to which you can apply for equal status.

You can apply for equal status according to several rules simultaneously. However, you only have to fulfil the conditions of one of the rules in order to be granted equal status with Danish citizens. Please note that there are different rules for how equal status can be revoked, depending on whether you are granted equal status on the basis of Danish rules or EU law.

EU rules

If you are a foreign citizen, you can apply for equal status with Danish citizens according to EU law and apply for SU for a study programme in Denmark and abroad

Danish rules

If you are a foreign citizen, you can be granted equal status according to Danish rules and apply for SU for a study programme in Denmark

How to apply

Read more about how to apply for SU and equal status

EU-worker with equal right status - changes

Read here, what you should do if your conditions changes as an EU-worker or self-employed person 

Read here about how the Agency will monitor you, if you are a worker or a self-employed person under EU law

SU loan

You must approve your loan plan in minSU and accept the terms of the loan, before we can pay the SU loan

Enquiries regarding equal status

How to get help regarding enquiries about equal status with Danish citizens

How to complain

If you disagree with a decision made by the Agency regarding your SU, you can file a complaint