Satserne for fribeløb finder du her på – de opdateres med 2023-satser sidst på året.
Vejledning om det forhøjede fribeløb til coronaberedskabet og skemaer finder du her.
Se tidligere nyhed om forhøjelsen af fribeløb her.
The Danish parliament has decided that students will be able to earn an extra app. 4000 DKK. a month from 2023. It was also decided that students who has participated in critical societal functions in relation to the COVID-19 alert will be able to apply for an increased allowed amount of earnings (fribeløb) for 2022 as it was possible for 2020 and 2021.
You can read more about how to apply for an increased allowed amount of earnings (fribeløb) for 2020, 2021 and 2022 on the page COVID-19 og SU (in danish) under "Forhøjet fribeløb". You must apply no later than December 31, 2022 or 2023.