Lånemulighed i marts og april 2020
Som udgangspunkt kan de studerende optage ekstra lån i marts og april 2020. Lånemuligheden forlænges senere, hvis situationen kræver det.
Søg lån i minSU
SU-lån skal som altid søges i minSU. Når minSU åbner for det ekstra lån, giver vi besked her via su.dk.
Mere information
Vi opdaterer løbende vores spørgsmål og svar på siden COVID-19 og SU her.
Additional loans during COVID-19
A political decision has been taken that during the COVID-19 situation, students can take out extra SU (State Education) loans. The possibility of taking out an extra loan, gives students the opportunity to borrow up to DKK 6,388 a month. This corresponds to 2 months extra SU loan per month, in addition to the regular SU loan. Therefore a total of DKK 9,582 per month can be borrow on an SU loan.
For students who have been delayed and are therefore in receipt of a completion loan, this will be expanded from DKK 8,241 per month to DKK 14,602 a month.
Loans in March and April 2020
As a starting point, students can take out extra loans in March and April 2020. This possibility may be extended later if the situation demands it.
Apply for loans in minSU
Applying for the SU loan is always done through the minSU portal. When minSU is opened for the extra loans, we will provide an update on su.dk.
More information
We will regularly update our FAQs on COVID-19 and SU.