- Muligheden for at søge ekstra SU-lån forlænges til at gælde til og med februar 2021
- Studerende, som får en særlig høj indkomst, fordi de deltager i samfundskritiske funktioner i forbindelse med COVID-19-beredskabet, vil kunne søge om at få deres fribeløb forhøjet i 2021, lige som det har været muligt i 2020.
Vi opdaterer siden COVID-19 og SU her på su.dk, når regelgrundlaget for de nye tiltag er på plads.
Læs også nyheden om de nye tiltag på ufm.dk.
English version:
COVID-19: Extra SU loan for February 2021 and an increased allowed amount of earnings (Fribeløb)
In extension of the new COVID-19 restriction, on December 16 a group of the parties in the Danish Parliament has come to an agreement of the following initiatives regarding the SU area:
- The possibility to apply for extra SU loan is extended to also include February 2021.
- Students receiving an especially high income for participating in critical societal functions in relation to the COVID-19 alert will be able to apply for an increased allowed amount of earnings (fribeløb) for 2021, as they have been able to for 2020.
We will update the page “COVID-19 and SU” here on su.dk, when the legal basis for the new initiatives is in place.
Read the news about the new initiatives on ufm.dk as well.