A French citizen has started a business in 2024 in Denmark and now applies for SU. She submits documentation showing that there are economic activities in her business in the form of invoices and financial statements for the current year. Furthermore, she submits a copy of all contracts she has made with business partners, a business plan, an expected monthly budget, showing her income and expenses for the next 12 months. It appears from the documentation that she expects an annual turnover of 72.000 DKK, corresponding to 6.000 DKK per month.
We conduct a specific assessment of the submitted documentation. We assess that she runs the business on a fairly regular basis in a serious matter and with the purpose of achieving economic profit. We also assess that the extent of the business’ economic activities is of such a size that she can be considered a self-employed person. Therefore, we assess that she has proven to have established herself as a self-employed person in Denmark under EU law. She is thus entitled to receive SU as long as she continues to run her business to the same extent along with her studies.