You must document that you fulfil the conditions you have marked in the ties form. If you have marked the item concerning school attendance, you must attach documentation of your school attendance in Denmark. There are no formal requirements as to the documentation – it is, however, an advantage if the documentation is from independent third parties confirming your information.
Your documentation should preferably be dated and signed, and in a readable format such as PDF. If we need to obtain additional information from you while we are processing your case, it will prolong the period required for processing. We are not permitted to, nor are we able to, check information provided by you or anyone else in the digital systems of other public authorities, with the exception of the Civil Registration System. Therefore, you must send us a copy of all information you wish to be considered in your case.
The ties to be documented are your ties according to the SU rules. Basically, you should only submit documentation that concerns you, but it may be relevant for us to obtain documentation of e.g. your parents’ work if they work in Denmark but do not live here.